'Mastermind Deer' Runs Through California Grocery Store In Hilarious Video

Photo: Getty Images

Run, run Rudolph!

A four-legged "mastermind" decided to go for a grocery run and literally ran through isles and isles filled with food at a Sam's Club in South Corona last Thursday afternoon (November 30). The deer casually made its way through the automatic opening doors and entered as if he'd been shopping there his whole life. He then led police on a chaotic sprint through the store.

Corona Police took to Instagram to share video footage from the incident, depicting a police chase of sorts. In the video, viewers can see the deer entering the establishment before he takes off running. A police officer on scene runs down an isle, chasing the quick animal with no prevail. As the deer rounds the corner he is stopped by a mountain of products and falls to the ground. The police officer then catches up to the deer and sits with the animal as if to console it before animal control officers arrive at the Sam's Club.

The video is fittingly paired with popular Chuck Berry classic, "Run Rudolph Run" as the story is illustrated through what happened in the grocery store that afternoon.

"The young buck ran through yards, jumped a wall, and took a brief dip in a backyard pool before entering Sam’s Club on Ontario Avenue where it was captured by police personnel. Corona Animal Control officers arrived, took custody of the deer," the post read.

The deer was released back into the wild after its fun grocery store run.

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